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The Prep School Day

The formal Prep School Day runs from 8:20am to 4:20pm (Years 3 and 4) and from 8:20am to 5:00pm (Years 5 to 8), Monday through to Friday.

We also offer excellent Wraparound Care from 7:30am until 7:30pm, which features a traditional cooked breakfast and supper. Particularly unique to Lockers Park is an approach which means that this is all included within the termly fees and at no extra cost.

Here’s a snapshot of a typical day for our Year 3 day pupils, which includes frequent breaks to boost concentration in class and a variety of lessons and beyond-the-classroom activities, giving your son a jam-packed, action-filled day.

8:20am Tutor time
8:30am Chapel or Assembly
8:45am Morning lessons
10:45am Break
11:25am Morning lessons
12:00pm Lunch
12:35pm Afternoon lessons
1:10pm Games & Activities
2:20pm Afternoon lessons
4:20pm Collection

Our Year 3 boys are welcome to join us at 7:30am for breakfast, and can stay for after school activities at 4:20pm, Reading Period at 4:50pm and Supper at 5:00pm.

As the boys get older, they progress to a slightly longer school day, with a timetable and classes that are designed to encourage independent thinking and focus. Here’s an example of a typical day for our Year 7 day pupils:

8:20am Tutor time
8:30am Chapel or Assembly
8:45am Morning lessons
10:45am Break
11:25am Morning lessons
1:00pm Lunch
1:45pm Reading period (individual reading, with teacher supervision)
2:20pm Afternoon lessons
3:20pm Games & Activities
5:00 – 7:30pm Collection

Of course, our Year 5 to 8 boys are welcome to join us at 7:30am for breakfast, and can stay for Prep (structured independent learning) at 5pm, supper at 5.30pm (Years 5 & 6) or 6pm (Years 7 & 8), and after school clubs, up to 7:30pm.

There is no Prep on a Wednesday allowing for early collection after sports fixtures or in school training.

Saturday School

Our innovative optional Saturday School runs from 8:45am until 12:30pm, and is designed to boost and extend your son’s learning.