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Science Week – Hexbugs

As part of Science Week we hold a Set Practical Competition. This year each Set had to design and build a Hexbug. This is a toothbrush with a motor that vibrates along the surface – at least in theory! Each set was marked on teamwork, design and then the time it took to travel 1 metre. As you can imagine, competition was fierce. Interestingly the younger boys did well – their small fingers proved to be a real asset. The fastest Hexbug was produced by Haig who managed to get their bug traversing 1 metre in an amazing 11.08 seconds. All of the Sets finally got their bugs moving, though Roberts’s bug needed a certain amount of assistance as it was blown down the course. In the big race off only three Sets managed to complete the course. The results will be announced next week. Many thanks to Mr Iqbal and Mrs Ashburner for organising the competition.