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We are delighted to be welcoming all Years back!

There are a lot of children and teachers with big smiles on their faces today. We are over the moon to share that soon we’ll be welcoming back all Year groups to Lockers Park.

It has been uplifting to see the smiles and hear the laughter of the Year 6, Year 1 and Reception children at school over the past few weeks. We know that all our boys and girls will benefit from being back in school and reconnecting with their friends face-to-face. We’re delighted to welcome back Years 2, 3 and 5 on Friday 19 June, and Years 4, 7 and 8 on Monday 22 June.

The team at Lockers Park has been working hard on the plan for a safe and smooth return, observing strict social distancing measures and with all pupils and staff in small ‘bubbles’.

We’re looking forward to sharing photos and stories of our children’s return to school.