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Positions of Responsibility – (22/09/2020)

Congratulations to those Year 8 boys who have demonstrated the maturity and responsibility to take on leadership positions within the school.

We’re pleased to share that Edward has been appointed Head Boy, and our Prefects are William, Rupert, Sam, Rohan, Nicholas and James. Well done also to Novie and Mikhail, who are Heads of Boarding, and our Set Leaders, Josh (Beatty), Ronan (Haig), Arnav (Jellicoe), Vihaan (Kitchener), Zefyros (Mountbatten) and Yiannis (Roberts).

It’s no easy feat applying for a Prefect position! Applicants wrote a letter outlining what skills they would bring to the role, and were then interviewed by our Headmaster, Mr Wilson, or Deputy Headmaster, Mr Taylor. In the interview, the applicants were asked a range of questions and given a scenario they had to respond to, involving how they would respond to a potential bullying incident. Being a Prefect, or holding any other position of responsibility, is an important role, and we are sure these young men will do a fabulous job.

Lockers Park Prefects
Well done to our newly appointed Prefects and Head Boy. (Absent from photo: James (remote learning from China) and Rohan).