Goodbye Mr Erskine-Naylor

Posted: 23rd March 2021

After 23 terms, we’re tremendously sad that Guy Erskine-Naylor is leaving Lockers Park this Easter.

Guy’s humour, snappy dress sense and ability to bring everyone together will not be forgotten. Officially, Guy has held roles as English Teacher, Form Tutor, Head of Boarding, Assistant Pastoral Lead, and member of the Senior Leadership Team. His charm and wit have seen his responsibilities expand to include the less official roles of Best Fancy Dresser, host of Lockers Got Talent, Friends of Lockers Park Quiz host, the Mad Hatter at our Alice in Wonderland Tea Party, and so much more. We wish him and his family all the best in their move to Lincolnshire, where Guy will take up a new role as English Teacher at Witham Hall.

Guy says, “I joined Lockers Park as a member of staff in 2013, but actually first visited in 1986 as part of the Heath Mount Colts A football team. I don’t remember the result, but Roger Stephens probably does! Knowing Lockers Park so well from my own prep school days was a significant factor in my decision to apply for an English teacher post here.

“Running a boarding house is the best job in the world bar none – to get to know the boarders and to look after them is a real privilege.

“The fond memories are endless: hosting black tie dinners for GAP students, pinching afternoon tea from the Christopherson Room when nobody was looking, and my daughters will miss their Saturday morning ‘Chores with Nors’ (Matron Miss Noreen Harrison!) where they helped out in the Boarding House – I’ll bet the boys never knew their laundry had been put on their beds by my children!

Lockers has played an enormous part in all our lives; I’m not just leaving a job, we’re all leaving a home.

“As my chapter at Lockers ends, a new one for the school is about to begin. I wish Mr Taylor all the best for some very exciting years ahead and will follow his success closely. 

If I could speak directly to Year 8, I would say, ‘Yeah…so I’m like, really gutted not to spend your final term with you and I’m like, super annoyed to, er, miss celebrating CE with you. It’s like sooooooo unfair, but you’ll all be well OK and, like, get good results and stuff. I’ll be thinking of you guys when, like, exams come round and will be sending all my luck down to you from, like, Lincolnshire. It’s kinda in the north. Smash it, fellas! Let’s go!'”