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Welcome to Mrs Young

Lockers Park welcomes Rhian Young as an English teacher this term. With a background of nearly 15 years as a professional journalist plus previous experience as a GSCE English tutor, Mrs Young is well-placed to teach our boys how to write with purpose and persuasion (a key focus for the Common Entrance curriculum).

Mrs Young also hosts and produces business podcasts and has recently won three prestigious Publisher Podcast Awards for her podcast Engineering Matters.

Mrs Young’s first impression of the Lockers Park community is that the boys and teachers are kind and polite, with a sprinkling of ‘quirky’ individuals!

As well as English, Mrs Young will be teaching swimming lessons as she’s also a qualified swimming teacher! Not only that, she’s volunteered to lead the school’s popular Skiing Club in the Autumn Term; as a Welsh-Canadian citizen, she has been skiing since the age of two.

Brought up in Saudi Arabia, Mrs Young now lives in Boxmoor with her family, including three daughters, and has recently served as a Governor at Boxmoor Primary School.

Welcome to Lockers Park!