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Litter Busting

With rain threatening and a blustery North Easterly greeting us, our intrepid Year 7 boys embarked on a trip to the highest point in the Chilterns (Ivinghoe Beacon) to look at Human Impact. We all agreed that with lockdown regulations forcing people to take their walks in the surrounding countryside, there was a huge increase in the amount of pressure the environment was under.

With support from The Boxmoor trust, who lent us some of their litter picking equipment, we also had in mind that it was no good mapping litter if we were not prepared to pick it up too. This the boys did with alacrity – they were shocked at the amount that people had dropped. Next up – footpath erosion – how bad was it? The answer: much worse than last year, after which we all had a good walk in a circuit route to the car park, finishing with a Rich Tea biscuit and a good chat overlooking the stunning views.

The boys were amazing and my thanks to Mr Bowker and Mr Doyle for their assistance. A great first trip after over a year.

Mr Dawes