The 7th Hemel Hempstead Great Indoors Camp took place with Zoom meetings on Friday evening and Saturday morning.
The Beavers made pictures with fruit and raw vegetables, which they then tucked into before singing The Beaver Song and taking a peek at everyone’s dens. Everyone was then tucked in for a good night’s sleep.
Together the Cubs and Scouts learned a funny campfire song and cooked Campfire Chocolate Bananas (in the oven). In advance the boys had designed a coat of arms (on the basis that every castle should have its own coat of arms!), which was displayed on their dens. There was lots of talk about the Memory Boxes the boys will be making to record this historical moment in time.
On Saturday morning the groups reconvened to discuss how they’d all slept in their dens and enjoy breakfast together. The conversation focused on looking for positives in the current challenging situation we find ourselves in.
Thanks to Group Scout Leader, Jan and to all the parents who made The Great Indoors Camp possible!