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Welcome New Parents

Swimming Consent

Will you give permission for your son to swim in the school pool, during swimming lessons and galas? Pupils are only allowed in the school swimming pool when supervised by one member of staff who has undergone 12 hours of training in addition to a first aid qualification (from a 3 hour training course), and also supervised by a second member of staff who has also undertaken at least the first aid training. Please note that guidance recommends that swimming sessions should be supervised by a lifeguard who has undergone 40 hours of training, every two years. Such regulations are impractical for small schools and indeed, a number of small prep schools have sadly chosen to close down their pools altogether because of this. Our view is that this would be a loss of an important facility which is much appreciated by the children and that the safety measures above keep our pupils safe.


Please read the Computing Acceptable Use document attached to your Welcome Information email, and confirm that you accept the terms.

Photos and Videos of Your Son